Jan 24, 2016

Pilot - Sparkles and Soul

So, Blogger, I'm back. 

I've moved on from my high school and college blogs. You know I have a blog for work, but you'll notice there hasn't been a post since 2013. Most of my updates about work tend to happen on my official Facebook page, as well as a personal spin on work happenings, posted on my personal Facebook profile. Feel free to follow and friend me. While you're at it, look me up on Twitter with @hollyferrin as my handle. Really though, if you're interested, just subscribe.

You're probably asking, why are you back? Why now? One part is because I can't handle the way Facebook is set up anymore. Don't get me started on the "Highlight" notifications. Ugh. It's the daily "On This Day" notifications. Sometimes, they're tough to see. The posts, feelings and memories are real, but sometimes they sting. Maybe, Facebook, I don't want to remember the day I had an awful seizure. Maybe I don't want to see the posts where I can, in hindsight, see a relationship falling apart. I guess it feels as if I am stuck in past. Now, I have to wonder if, when I want to share something, I can post now and be ok with being reminded of it later. So, I'm thinking I'd rather chronicle my life back on Blogger than Facebook. I'll see how it goes. 

The other aspect of my return to Blogger is the realization of lost enjoyment. I wrote a post the other day and recognized the precise wording behind my passion. Then there's the fact that I better convey my feelings and experiences through the written word. (Not to mention, Blogger is formatting friendly.) I have a better chance at getting words together and taking my time to do so. I remembered, I really do love writing. 

So much of life is combined on Facebook. Some of it's work. Some of it is personal. Some of the sharing is regarding socio-cultural musings. It's, seemingly, difficult to categorize and separate intents an purposes. I know I can't box my life into categories. However, as chaotic as life seems, a little bit of organization is helpful. 

So much has happened since the last time I blogged. There's not a reasonable way to catch up at the moment, so I'll start from where I am right now. Retrospective posts will come, as opportunities present.

Why "Sparkle and Soul?" Those who know me best are aware of my love for everything sparkly. However, it's much more than shiny things. Now that I've grown up, when I think of sparkle, I think of Audrey. In the words of classic Hepburn, "Don't ever let anyone dull your sparkle." The meaning behind it brings a sense of encouragement and... letting yourself shine. More importantly are the personal feelings, musings and experiences coming from deep within or, at least, the deeper than cursory reflections. These are often socio-cultural ideas, personal experiences, epilepsy & seizures, disability theory, deafness and reviews of media. 

I hope you enjoy!

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